What is Shadow Work?

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work is a process that helps you integrate all the aspects of yourself (the good, the bad and the ugly). Usually, what keeps from loving ourselves are the things we hate about ourselves, are ashamed of or just keep in the dark. With shadow work, we can shed a...

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Shifting from the Victim Mindset

Shifting from the Victim Mindset

Do you find yourself often saying life is unfair, why do bad things always happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? Yes? That was my life for almost 3 decades. I was feeling very unhappy and one of the reasons was that I was pretty hard to please. It wasn't...

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Taking back YOUR power over how YOU feel!

Taking back YOUR power over how YOU feel!

One major revelation that I discovered on my life journey and that helped step out of the victim mentality, is realizing that am the one responsible for my own well-being. It is my job to be there for myself when I need care and support. So instead of feeling sad and...

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How to overcome emotionally difficult times

How to overcome emotionally difficult times

During my life, I went through some very difficult phases when I thought this is it there is no way out I am stuck and I don’t see how I can ever get over this. The truth We all have those times where we fall so low and it’s really hard to see anything positive or to...

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