Shadow work is a process that helps you integrate all the aspects of yourself (the good, the bad and the ugly). Usually, what keeps from loving ourselves are the things we hate about ourselves, are ashamed of or just keep in the dark. With shadow work, we can shed a light on those darker aspects.

Those aspects are usually hidden deep in our subconscious mind but there are different ways to identify them and invite them to reveal themselves. It’s important to approach them with a non-judgmental attitude, an attitude of tolerance and acceptance. If not this can slow the process and create even more blockages.

We need to understand their perspective, their motivations, and their pain. We discover how and when they were birthed within us and also how they are actually serving us.

We get to understand their needs and build an actual relationship with them so they will be working with us instead of working against us. This also allows us to stop being controlled by our shadow when we get triggered, vulnerable or emotional. The dynamics between us and our shadow become that of balance and teamwork. No aspect of us is repressed or kept in the closet. The whole of us is accepted and loved.

Shadow work is about having the light and the dark live in harmony. We cannot remove our shadow because it is part of us. It makes us who we are just as much our light aspects make us who we are.

Shadow work is what allows us to reach the next level of our healing, self-love, and growth. I believe that we can’t really love ourselves without working on loving and accepting our shadow.

When to do Shadow Work?

It’s very important to attempt to do shadow work only when:
– You feel ready mentally and you also have done lots of inner work on yourself you achieved a certain level of self-awareness and you worked on becoming in touch with your emotions
– You know how to get yourself from a depressed emotional state and raise your vibration in a relatively short amount of time
– You know how to shift your perspective and see things from different angles and you are able to find the positive aspects in almost everything.
– You feel called to do shadow work. It really feels like something that your soul needs you to do in order to heal and expand beyond your current limitations.

There is much much more that can be said about shadow work but I wanted to briefly give you an idea for those of you who do not know what it is.

It is by far the most important, powerful and transformational work that we can do to transform ourselves and also that we can do for our human collective to heal our collective shadow.

If you are resonating with my words, then there is no doubt that you have been called here. You are being guided to be part of our Facebook Sacred Space and Sisterhood.
Come join us, Sister!
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New Moon Readings and Intentions Setting

On each new moon we sit in circle together in our private Facebook group. We learn more about tuning into the lunar cycle and working with the new moon.

During our New Moon ceremonies, we feel into the energies of the new lunar month and receive guidance about how to navigate them. Then we set our intentions for the month. We also let go of the old energies that no longer serve us and we anchor in the energies that we want to have in our lives.

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Full Moon Ceremonies and Guided Meditations

During the full moon we gather in circle in our virtual sacred space on Facebook. We attune ourselves to the full moon and the energies of the zodiac signs.

In our Full Moon ceremonies, we tune inward and connect with the moon and the dominant energies of the planets through a guided meditation. Depending on the full moon we also perform different types of full moon rituals to release resistance, forgive ourselves or others and harvest what came to fruition in our lives.

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Sisterhood and Support in a Sacred Space

We daily gather in our private Facebook group with hundreds of other like minded sisters. We are there to support each other, motivate each other, learn from each other and inspire each other.

Our Facebook group is a sacred space where you can be witnessed, receive guidance, share from your heart and speak your truth.

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