Let’s shed some light on your journey to Abundance, sister!

Let us together unveil your soul desires and the invisible chains that are holding you back

As you reclaim your desires, you will become aware of the limitations that you are placing on the limitless being that is you and the way you keep your creatrix powers locked away

It is time to get clear, time to unleash your desires, time to reclaim your worthiness, your power and free your self from what limits your abundance

Are you, like me, a rebel at heart? You know that the system wants to keep you a slave, a mindless consumer, and you know deep in your soul that you were meant for more than that.

You’ve spent your life working your ass off to survive. You’ve always felt that there had to be a better way to be successful without endlessly chasing and hustling, and you KNOW that you are here to help create that new system where love, joy, and abundance are the reality of each person on our planet starting by yourself.

The journey to abundance, especially financial abundance, is not easy for many of us. We are faced with resistance because our own ego, stands in the way and blocks to abundance from this lifetime and past life times keep us limited and in a state of low vibration.

Hi my name is Dorra Azizi, and I’m a Cosmic Priestess, a Light Language Spiritual Healer and a Soul Midwife. It is my deepest honor and greatest joy to be your guide for this exciting experience, to help you navigate your way from scarcity and lack to abundance and prosperity.

My story with abundance started when I decided I didn’t want to play by the rules of the old system anymore, and I set out to reclaim my freedom and unlock my abilities as a limitless being and powerful Creatrix.

It has been a wonderful journey full of tears, long nights, incense and crystals and lots of yummy aha moments and experiences. I has to face many of my fears and deconstruct and clear lots of my old stories, blocks, and limitation and it has been so rewarding on many levels. I was able to manifest many beautiful things and experiences that my soul was sooo deeply yearning for.

On this journey, I am a guide and a traveler and I am here to share with you my soul medicine, and help you remember your medicine, your sacred calling and your true essence so we may all together amplify the vibration of love in service of humanity, and co-create the heaven on earth that we are all dreaming into reality.


Day One

  1. Getting clear on your soul desire
  2. Setting your intentions
  3. Committing to your desire
  4. Birthing your soul desire vibrationally

Day Two

  1. Exploring your resistance
  2. The 3 levels of abundance blockers
  3. Identifying your main block to abundance

Day Three

  1. Where does your main abundance block live in your energy?
  2. Clearing of stuck energy with Light Language

Join us, beloved, in this incredible journey, back to your heart and back to love, and finally set yourself free from all that is holding you back

You KNOW you deserve it. Now it’s time to make it happen and to begin the greatest journey you’ll ever take – the journey back to the heart of who you are, and to the life of your dreams

Are you ready to align with abundance and embark on this free journey?

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